As you know, the fitness industry has taken a hit in 2020, due to COVID pandemic. Gyms have suffered and some are shut down for good. With gyms closed, people are forced to find new ways to stay fit and healthy. Many people have bought home gyms and have been trying to stay fit from home. This means many are forced to workout with little equipment and are uncertain how to do effective exercises. A lot of personal fitness trainers around the world have started to offer online personal training specializing in at-home workouts. Providing at home workouts has kept many people fit and motivated. Even with a pair of dumbbells, you can get a great all-body workout.
As gyms have begun to reopen with restrictions, people have slowly started to return back to normal routines at their local gyms. Gym workouts now have to be booked in advance and are limited to e.g. 1-hour training time. With limited members allowed in gyms it’s difficult to book workouts at specific times which can be discouraging for a lot of people. Some gyms make masks mandatory, which makes workouts even more challenging. Heavy breathing in a mask can be uncomfortable and may cause breathing issues. Training with a lighter cloth mask instead of a heavier restricted mask will help with the breathing. People who normally frequented spin, bootcamp or Zumba classes are finding class sizes are very small and hard to find a spot. Due to social distancing requirements, classes are approximately one quarter the size compared to pre-COVID. Most gyms have discontinued all classes due to COVID, and in the case of an active case in their facility the gym is forced to enforce a mandatory period of closure, which can hurt the business.
Some gyms are also very strict disallowing partner training. This can have a significant impact if you are used to working out with a friend. After all, a workout partner can help you push past your limits and help you lift heavier weights. It is especially challenging if you are unable to book the same time slot as your partner. Learning to train by yourself and lifting more controlled weights until these restrictions is the best thing to do. Most gyms will allow family members to train together, so take the opportunity to train with someone in your family and keep your household healthier.
How to keep your workouts interesting if you can’t workout as much or not as often? How to stay motivated when your routine is disrupted and have limited access to train? This is what a lot of people are trying to figure out. It’s time to adapt in these uncertain times. If you find your gym is more free in the morning, then start arranging your schedule around a morning workout. This will get the workout out of the way and free up your evening. If you are used to 2-hr workouts, change it up with less rest between sets and up your workout intensity. Try to incorporate key exercises that hit multiple muscle groups (squats, deadlifts, pull-ups etc.). By making these small changes, you can still enjoy a high intensity workout and maintain a healthy lifestyle during these stressful times.
If you’re still struggling, try using an online personal fitness trainer. Explain your situation and your challenges at the gym. Not only will they write you a condensed challenging workout, but will suggest workouts you can complete outside the gym. Switch up your routine to not only help your body grow but keep you motivated for improved health. Another advantage of hiring a fitness trainer at home is they will help you with your diet. Without a healthy diet plan, your results are not going to be visible, which can discourage you. If you have an injury, your trainer will create a workout custom that works around your injury and helps heal it. Just because you are hurt, doesn’t mean you necessarily have to stop training. Inactivity during this time can lead to weight gain and negative side effects such as depression. For example, a torn rotator cuff can be strengthened with light cable and dumbbell exercises. Leaving it alone doesn’t strengthen your shoulder, and you need to regain range of motion to get your strength back.
If your gym is still closed or you don’t want to risk catching COVID-19, you might find your health and fitness motivation dwindling. But know that there are still a lot of options out there to keep healthy. During gym closures, many classes are still available and delivered online. You could perform these exercises from the comfort of your home with zero to minimal equipment, such as a pair of dumbbells or a mat. Other classes are offered on your spin bike. Some companies will sell you the workout equipment and charge you a monthly fee along with your class price. As gyms start to reopen, there are many classes available to fit everyone’s schedule. A lot of classes are offered outside, where proper social distancing is performed. This way you can still workout while practicing safe distancing and get a bootcamp-style workout.
As winter approaches, flu season is on the way. The combination of limited gym options and catching the seasonal flu, is one of the biggest reasons people fall off the health bandwagon. The concept of “I’ll start again in January” starts to play on people’s minds. This gives them permission to begin eating less healthy and skip workouts. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, people can quite easily put on an additional 10-15lbs of fat if not careful. Between Thanksgiving meals, Halloween candy and Christmas baking and drinking, it’s very easy to lose control of your health and put unwanted weight on.
One of the best ways to avoid this is to hire a personal fitness trainer. This will give you the accountability needed when you find your motivation slipping. Weekly check-ins will help eliminate your slip ups, and give you the motivation needed to succeed. Most importantly, if you’re struggling, just be honest with your trainer. They have seen it all before and know exactly how to help you and encourage you during these challenging times.